Hamilton College Community Farm

Earth Oven
Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce
Red Russian Kale
Garlic Scapes
Farm Stand
Lacianato Kale
Washing Chard
D'Avignon Raddishes
Red Ace Beets
Snow Crown Cauliflower
Winterbor Kale
Pea Plants
Chiogga Beets
Black Raspberries
Ruby Red Chard

Helpful People to Know

Bon Appetit

  • Reuben Haag (reuben.haag@cafebonappetit.com) - Executive chef of Bon Appe´tit and is very supportive and enthusiastic. He is in charge of special events and such, but is not as good to talk to about day-to-day deliveries. He is, however, the main contact at Bon Appe´tit.
  • Pat Reynard (pat.raynard@cafebonappetit.com) - Director of Bon Appe´tit.
  • Jeff G (chefjef@hotmail.com) – Head chef at McEwen. Very focused on local foods and excited about using produce at the farm.
  • Al Carnevale (albertocarnevale@aol.com) – Head chef at commons. He will be the one who actually handles all deliveries and should be contacted with questions regarding produce.

Physical Plant

  • Don Croft (dcroft@hamilton.edu)–Director of Grounds. He is very enthusiastic and will help with anything —leaves to compost, mowing, tractor use, and anything else the physical plant does. He is the person to go to.
  • Terry Hawkridge –Director of Buildings and Grounds and is technically in charge. He can help if Don is not around.
  • Tony Poccia – Director of Building Trades and can help with construction, e.g. shelves in the shed, table outside, signs.
  • Steve Bellona – Director of Physical Plant. He may need to sign off on new projects, e.g. hoop house, but otherwise the farm has little contact with him.

President’s Office

  • Terri Cronin (tcronin@hamilton.edu) -Joan’s secretary and will be the one actually arranging meetings for Joan and Meredith.
  • Meredith Harper Bonham (mbonham@hamilton.edu) – Chief of Staff and Secretary to Board of Trustees. She is excited about the farm and is the farm’s liaison in the president’s office.
  • Karen Leach – She is in charge of finances and is very concerned with the bottom line. She also controls the GGH fund.

Communications & Development

  • Vige Barrie –Communications master who coordinates news feed and any off-campus reports which mention the college, and can be helpful with farm publicity.
  • Don Challenger (dchallen@hamilton.edu) – Director Alumni Review and is who is be helpful in getting the word out to alumni about the farm.
  • Jon Hysell (jahysell@hamilton.edu) – Officially, Jon is the Director of finance for communications and development. However, he is a man of many talents, and has had an individual plot for several seasons, has a wealth of knowledge about general gardening. He is a great resource for general gardening questions and support.


  • Dave Gapp (dgapp@hamilton.edu) - Food for Though Professor. He is a very knowledgeable gardener and foodie, supportive of all aspects of the farm.
  • Joe Plado – Campus Safety officer who is an avid gardener with excellent advice.
  • Walk Zarnok – Works in the Physics Machine Shop and can help with rototiller repair and maintenance.
  • Danelle Parker – Sumer Programs Director and is the person to talk with regarding summer access to the CoOp for refrigerator use.
  • Frank Sciacca (fsciacca@hamilton.edu) - Food for Thought professor, in charge of 1812 Garden. Mostly interested in heritage varieties, seed saving, and the appearance of the 1812 Garden.