Hamilton College Community Farm

Lacianato Kale
Washing Chard
Black Raspberries
Red Ace Beets
Winterbor Kale
Red Russian Kale
Farm Stand
Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce
Chiogga Beets
Ruby Red Chard
Earth Oven
Pea Plants
Snow Crown Cauliflower
D'Avignon Raddishes
Garlic Scapes

Sample Order Form

Delivery Date:

  • Tuesday
  • Friday

Delivery Location:
Order Total:

Please have exact change, or a check (To: Trustees of Hamilton College) ready upon delivery. Deliveries will be made between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. If you think you might miss us please leave money and instructions with an officemate or at your door. Orders are due by email midnight the day before delivery. (garden@hamilton.edu)

Item Price Quantity
Beets, Mixed Bunch $2.50/bunch  
Chard $2.50/bunch or 2 for $4.00  
Eggplant $1.50/each  
Kale, Lacinato $2.50/bunch or 2 for $4.00  
Kale, Red Russian $2.50/bunch or 2 for $4.00  
Kale, Winterbor $2.50/bunch or 2 for $4.00  
Leeks $0.75/each  
Lettuce, Green Oakleaf $2.00/head  
Lettuce, Red Cherokee $2.00/head  
Onions, Red Bulb $1.50/#  
Onions, Yellow Cortland $1.50/#  
Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf $2.00/bunch  
Parsley, Triple Curled $2.00/bunch  
Pepper, Anaheim .50/each  
Pepper, Green Bell $1.00/each  
Pepper, Jalapen~o 3 for $1.00  
Potato, Adirondack Blue $2.50/pound  
Potato, French Fingerling $2.50/pound  
Radishes, Mixed Bunch $1.50/bunch  
Sage $2.00/bunch  
Turnips $2.50/bunch  
Winter Squash, Blue Hubbard $2.50/each