Hamilton College Community Farm

Chiogga Beets
Washing Chard
Garlic Scapes
Farm Stand
Black Raspberries
Snow Crown Cauliflower
Ruby Red Chard
Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce
Lacianato Kale
Red Ace Beets
Earth Oven
Pea Plants
Red Russian Kale
Winterbor Kale
D'Avignon Raddishes

Farms of Interest

Old Path Farm
Nancy Grove, Pete, Nancy
9148 Butler Road, Sauquoit, NY 13456
(315) 737-8621
Old Path Farm is a small scale organic farm selling to CSA members and at the Clinton Farmer’s Market, and the Food Shed in Utica. Nancy, Peter, and Nancy have been exceedingly helpful and supportive since the beginning of HCCF and are a great resource for all questions, from when to plant, to bed spacing, sales advice, and pest control. Because they helped with much of the startup information in 2007, our practices are very similar to theirs, and are what make up the majority of the almanac.

Common Thread Farm
3424 Lake Moraine Road Madison, NY 13402
(315) 893-7767
Common Thread is an organic CSA farm with over 150 members, delivering shares as far away as New York City. While they are operating on a considerably different scale than we are, they employ sustainable organic practices. They also have an earth oven similar to ours.

Middlebury College Organic Garden
A college garden similar to ours, the Middlebury Organic Garden is well tended and esthetically pleasing. Facing similar issues with volunteer support and building community ties, their garden manager, Jay Leshinsky, is very knowledgeable about everything gardening, especially seed varieties, and is a helpful resource. Their work with using the garden in a diverse educational ways is inspirational.

Yale Sustainable Food Project
The Yale Sustainable Food Project is one of the most established and well funded college farms in the North East. It has helped many other schools establish gardens, and has many resources to help answer questions about getting started and communication.

Dartmouth Organic Farm
The Dartmouth Organic Farm is one of the oldest farm programs in the North East. Scott, the farm manager, is interested in how organic gardening fits into education, and staying up-to-date on interesting and exciting sustainability projects.