Bachelorette and Bachelorette
May 4, 2017Dorothy Atkin-Mapes ’17 from Rochester, NY and Becca Gorlin ’17 from Minneapolis, MN More ...
Dorothy Atkin-Mapes ’17 from Rochester, NY and Becca Gorlin ’17 from Minneapolis, MN More ...
Emily Yong '19, Paige Pendergrast '19, and Giovanna Petta '19 More ...
In an age where technology is booming and always seems to be expanding or pushing its boundaries, it’s fascinating to see new devices constantly released one after the other. More ...
As the end of the semester approaches, the College must find replacements for faculty who are retiring. More ...
In the wake of Hamilton student Annalise Curtis’s unexpected death last week, the Hamilton Community has come together in a variety of venues to celebrate and remember her life. More ...
Sunday, April 22 marked the 37th anniversary of the environmental movement’s birth in 1970; more commonly known as Earth Day. More ...
Aspiring designers debuted their latest designs at the Condom Fashion Show Fundraiser last Saturday, April 22. More ...
Across almost all professions, obtaining a job is becoming increasingly difficult and competitive. Especially in the fields of medicine, business and law, candidates are expected to have... More ...
In few weeks, a bit over 400 individuals, including myself, will all wear identical goofy hats and walk across a stage to receive a paper document that acknowledges our ability to consume an obscene amount of caffeine and withstand four upstate New York winters. This ceremony will feature a lot of photo taking, tears, smiles, hugs, inspirational statements and not-so-inspirational statements. Sometimes I wonder if an alien civilization observing humanity could tell the difference between a typical graduation ceremony and a cult gathering, but then I try to shut up my overly cynical brain and simply enjoy the prospect of graduating—if I finish my thesis on time. More ...
Emily Randrup '17 from West Chesterfield and Emma Weller '19 from St. Louis, MO More ...