This calendar is designed to give a basic sense of greenhouse and fieldwork in planting and harvesting throughout the spring, summer, and fall. It is based on the anticipated planting schedule from the 2010 season, but it is not precise. Transplanting and harvesting must be done when the plants are ready, not when a calendar says it should be done. Judgment must always be exercised, but this is a helpful tool for anticipation and timing.
Week 1 | N/A |
Week 2 | New Managers Hired |
Week 3 | All campus interest meeting introducing managers and recruiting new members |
Week 4 | Prepare for Greenhouse Work |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 1 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting |
Week 2 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting
Field Work: Planting
Week 3 |
Field Work: Planting
Week 4 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting
Week 1 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting |
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Harvesting |
Week 2 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Harvesting |
Week 3 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting |
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Transplating |
Week 4 |
Greenhouse Work: Planting Greenhouse Work: Transplanting
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Transplanting |
1st Week |
Deliveries and Farm Stand Begins
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting (seedlings)
2nd Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Harvesting |
3rd Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting |
Field Work: Planting (seedlings)
Field Work: Planting (direct seed)
Field Work: Harvesting
4th Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting |
Filed Work: Harvesting |
1st Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting |
Field Work: Planting
2nd Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Harvesting Slicing cucumbers |
3rd Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting |
Field Work: Planting (seedlings)
Field Work: Planting (Direct seeds)
Field Work: Harvesting
4th Week |
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting
Field Work: Harvesting
1st Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Greenhouse Work: Transplanting |
Field Work: Planting (seedlings)
Field Work: Harvesting
2nd Week |
Greenhouse Work: Planting
Field Work: Planting Field Work: Harvesting
3rd Week |
Field Work: Planting
4th Week |
Hamilton Serves Greenhouse Work: Planting Lettuce succession |
Field Work: Harvesting
1st Week |
Field Work: Planting Field Work: Harvesting
2nd Week |
Field Work: Planting
Field Work: Harvesting
3rd Week |
Field Work: Harvesting
4th Week |
Last Farm Stand and Delivery |
Field Work: Harvesting
1st Week |
Field Work: Harvesting |
2nd Week |
Field Work: Harvesting |
3rd Week | ||
4th Week |
Field Work: Harvesting |