
executive and standing committee updates

Committees are a vital part of the Student Government Alliance's work. Alliance members serve on varying committees to push for improvements in the student experience and facilitate programming to address community needs as they see fit. If you are interested in joining the work of a specific committee, please contact the appropriate committee chair (emails are provided below). 

Executive Committees

Constitution Committee

The Constitution Committee is responsible for maintaining and amending the guiding documents of the Student Government Alliance, including the Constitution and Bylaws. The committee ensures that the Central Council conforms to these documents and to college policy in all its actions. It also receives proposed amendments to these documents from members of the Central Council and works to turn them into final draft amendments and to present them to the Council and the student body.

If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, contact Ariane Hurwtiz,

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is a closed committee that meets on an ad hoc basis. The members are the President of the Student Government Alliance, Vice President of the Student Government Alliance, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, all Class Presidents, and the Director of Student Activities (SGA Advisor.) Generally, the committee is only called to meet when an issue of utmost importance cannot wait until the next Student Assembly meeting to be discussed. The meeting has also been used to flesh out the agenda for the Assembly and to get a sense for where each class stands.

If you have any questions, contact: Quentin Messer, 

Funding Committee

The Funding Committee is responsible for managing and recommending all Hamilton College recognized student organizational budgets as they pertain to the Student Government Alliance budget. 

If you have any questions, contact: Marcela Rondon,

Standing Committees

Academic, Enrollment, and Development (AED)

This committee is the most powerful tool for student voices to be interjected into curricula and academic changes at Hamilton College. AED serves as a launchpad for improving the in-classroom academic experience of the College by listening and taking action to the concerns of students. AED works closely with faculty to address concerns ranging from academic experience via the Open Curriculum, class registration, academic integrity, accessibility standards, faculty relations, and equity of educational experience across the varying departments of the College. 

If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, contact: Quentin Messer,

Justice and Equity Committee

The Justice and Equity Committee’s mission is to challenge the historically inequitable systems at Hamilton, to actively dismantle acts of inequity, and to aim for justice. Through the Central Council's work and collaborations with other groups on campus, we aim to amplify the voices of marginalized students and effectively advocate for their needs. We hope to work with all organizations in administering a strategy to ensure that equity and justice are a part of their goals as well. We also hope to create a relationship of mutual understanding and goal-setting between the representatives and the student body. We want Hamilton to be an equitable and safe environment for all students, regardless of their identity in all aspects of collegiate life. 

This committee will be meeting every Wednesday from 8:00-9:00 PM.

If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, contact: Kiara Nelson,

Residential Life & Safety Committee (RLS)

The SGA Residential Life and Safety Committee is responsible for the stewardship of a safe, supportive, accessible, and equitable community living experience for the students of Hamilton’s four-year residential campus. 

This committee will be meeting every Tuesday from 5:00-6:00 PM in the Sadove Sunporch.

If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, contact: Jackson Strout, 

Student Health Committee

The Student Health Committee engages in dialogues with campus stakeholders to advance physical, mental, and emotional health for students by expanding resources related to fitness, healthy diets and routines, counseling services, self-care, mental health support services, and stress reduction.

This committee will be meeting every Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 PM in the Sadove Sun Porch.

If you have any questions or would like to join the committee, contact: Daphne Cerrato, 

Sustainability and Facilities Committee

Contact Information

Anna Gnapp ’26

Fall 2024-Spring 2025

Contact Information

Chayti Biswas '27

Spring 2025

Contact Information

Student Government Association

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