There are three essential philosophies at the heart of the Kappa Sigma Alpha.

Anti-Hazing Policy

As sisters of the Kappa Sigma Alpha sorority of Hamilton College, we strive to provide friendship, to promote culture and education, to understand social responsibility, and to develop characters of our fellow sisters. Hazing both corrupts and undermines these objectives, and spoils the quality of life during the pledge experience. During this time, new members of KSA will form bonds of friendship that will last a lifetime. The new member experience is a time to learn about sorority life, the Hamilton College campus and community, and financial and social responsibilities. The pledge period is intended to be positive and enjoyable, and therefore the sorority has issued this policy against hazing activities.

We forbid hazing of new or initiated members or mock initiations of any type. Any officer found responsible of allowing such activities to take place will be removed from office. In addition, any member or new member planning or participating in a hazing activity shall have her membership reviewed, which may result in expulsion or termination.

Kappa Sigma Alpha Definition of Hazing…

  • any act that demeans, embarrasses, threatens, frightens or draws inappropriate attention to a sister or pledge
  • any act that endangers the physical, mental or emotional well-being of a new member and/or member.
  • any act that requires or suggests violation of city, county, state or national law.
  • any act that is mentally or physically degrading.
  • any chore that requires personal or meaningless tasks to be done for initiated members without their express consent
  • an attitude that implies one member is superior to another

Examples of Hazing…

  • Embarrassing stunts or costumes
  • Line-ups
  • Interrogation of new members
  • Drinking or eating on command
  • Deprivation of food or sleep
  • Speaking in a harassing manner
  • Requiring any member to consume alcohol
  • Diminishing the self-esteem or dignity of a new member

Instead we will promote…

  • Self- reliance
  • Earned trust between sisters and new members
  • Loyalty and compassion between sisters
  • Individuality
  • Personal strength and integrity
  • A sense of fun and a spirit of goodwill

Activities as alternatives ...

  • Welcome signs for each new member’s door
  • Dinner at a nice restaurant
  • Study sessions with sisters
  • Ice cream socials following meetings
  • Roller skating or ice skating
  • Movie nights
  • Games – i.e. Frisbee in the Quad or kickball
  • Notes of encouragement for new members during final time
  • Notes or poems for new members at initiation
  • Remembering birthdays
  • • Acknowledging special events or special honors

Kappa Sigma Alpha’s Philanthropy Plan

The Sorority is not exclusively linked with one philanthropic organization. Instead, Kappa Sigma Alpha allows its members multiple opportunities to connect with those less fortunate in the area, and make a difference in the community and the lives of its citizens.

Every new pledge class will design a philanthropy plan for the entire sorority to follow for the next school year. The plan should have a theme that can be connected with a specific community organization, but can be broad enough to include opportunities for every member to use their special talents and skills to give back to the community.

Every sister will be required to do a minimum of forty hours of service per year (twenty hours per semester). They will be given many opportunities to meet this requirement through society-organized events, both under the pledge chosen theme for the year and annual events. The service requirement does not need to be met by society-organized events, but if not organized by the sorority they must fit under the service theme for the year. Any service done by a member of the sorority not organized by the society, must complete a “service completion” form and return it to either of the service chairs.

Kappa Sigma Alpha’s Academic Plan

Kappa Sigma Alpha holds high standards for academic achievement. A sister of Kappa Sigma Alpha is expected not only to serve her community and her society, but to dedicate herself to academic excellence. We have established a GPA requirement to ensure that our sisters regard academics as a priority. In addition, we have set up an academic network, in which any sister who is having trouble in any discipline, may seek the help of another sister with similar academic interests.

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