hamilton college


music fund

what is the imf?

the imf is a student organization at hamilton college dedicated to indepedent music. we bring shows to campus, we bring the campus to shows, and we serve as an outlet for the upstate new york indie music scene.

our friends

our favorites

from interstate 90 (new york state thruway)

1. Get off Interstate 90 at Exit 32 (Westmoreland)
2. Take a right at the light immediately after the tollbooth.
3. At the next light at the T intersection, take a left (at this point you will see a small green sign directing you to Hamilton College)
4. Follow this road through two more sets of lights (2-3 miles).
5. At the third set of lights, which also has a very large stop sign, take a right up the hill.
6. All our shows are located on the left side of campus. Park and wander accordingly!