
Thumbs up, Thumbs down, Who cares?

By Tara Cicic ’18

Tags opinion

Thumbs Up:

Warm weather. :)

It’s Women of Color Week. 

Check out all of the amazing events going on this week but also remember that engaging with these events should be year-round and not just once a year.

Thumbs down:

Every encounter I’ve ever had with a cis man.

I made eye contact with a boy in one of my classes while he looked positively constipated trying to peel an orange over a trash can and this was the best interaction I had with a cis man all week. 

Who cares?

Every encounter I’ve had with a cis man this week, or any other week. 

I’m not going to let it get me down.

This is Haley Lynch’s final week as Editor-in-Chief of the Spec.



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