
Life of a Milbank Resident Advisor

By Molly Geisinger ’19 and Cilly Geranios ’19

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Name: Emily Randrup

Dorm on campus: Milbank.

Dream dorm: Rogers nine years ago.

Favorite responsibility: Bulletin Boards #arts&crafts.

Least favorite responsibility: Fire Drills. Standing out in the cold is negative 10 fun (just like the temperature).

Weirdest thing found on a room inspection: An iguana under a bed.

Most interesting thing heard through the wall? Literally anything said in Milbank on a Saturday night at 2 a.m.

Favorite request from a resident: “Can I wear your pajamas?”

Worst timing of a fire alarm:  As a resident my first year, while in the shower, in January... My hair froze.

Shade up or down: Three-quarters of the way down.

What activity should be penalized that isn’t already: Fornicating with the blinds open.

Door locked or unlocked? Unlocked. (How else can my residents get condoms from the condom and confetti cup?).

Favorite door decoration: Snowflakes made with my Assistant to the RA (@beccagorlin).

Worst thing you walked in on: A room so messy with dirty clothes on the floor that I couldn’t walk across it.

Pet peeve: When people ask me for my master key (FYI: they’re kept in Res Life, not in our rooms).

Program you wish you could do: Free hour-long massages for everyone. Or going to Rockin’ Jump.

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