The baby photo section cannot be populated without the help of parents and seniors. We request your aid in populating this section by submitting one photo for the section.
For quality purposes, we request that you submit an original print of the photo. If you are uncomfortable submitting an original, we suggest using Kodak Picture Maker or another professional duplication service. Photocopied photographs cannot be accepted.
The deadline for submissions is February 22, 2008. Please include a return address on the back of the photo if you would like the photograph returned. Photographs will be returned to you by January 2009.
The rules for digital photos:
Example:Joan Stewert's Freshman Year Photos
IMG_1812.jpg Alexander Hamilton '08, Samuel Kirkland '08, John Doe '08, Aaron Burr (non-Hamilton), Elihu Root '10, Eugene Tobin '03
IMG_2007.jpg Adirondack Adventure '04: Joan Hinde-Stewert '08, Joe Urgo '08, Nancy Thompson '08
As a general rule, 50%+ of the persons pictured should be in the class of 2008.
The naming rule is absolute, not general
This is the only accepted form of name submission. Please do not submit with names only in the file name or written on a piece of paper.
The rule for photo prints:
These rules are meant to make sure that your submitted photos can be used in the book at an acceptable quality and so that an index of names can be compiled. Please follow them, because photos submitted that do not follow these rules are not able to be used.
Parents can sponsor the production of The Hamiltonian. Sponsorship cost $10. Sponsors names appear in a special section of the book.
Checks can be made payable to the Trustees of Hamilton College. Be sure to include the names exactly as you wish for them to appear. Special notes to students will not be printed, only names.
Portraits were taken by Mark Maserjein of Portrait Imaging Studio. He can be contacted at if needed.
Students who have fulfilled the requirements for graduation during the winter semester may submit a professional-looking portrait for inclusion. The photo must blend in with the other portraits in the section to be presented in the section.
Complete Senior Information survey
This survey collects activities, personal statements, and dedication nominees. The deadline for completion is April 7, 2008.