April 12, 2012
Recent graduate Joshua Hicks ’09 passed away on Friday, April 6. At Hamilton, Hicks, better known as “Jicks,” majored in religious studies, and was a member of the Buffers, choir, and Emerson Literary Society. The Spectator asked members of the community for tributes of Jicks to publish to honor his memory.
“Jicks was the sort of person who would stay up until five in the morning on choir tour in Perugia, Italy with an overly-emotional freshman girl who'd just been dumped, and finally send her off to bed not only no longer crying, but laughing. He always believed that girl would do amazing things with her life, and now that I'm on the verge of some potentially amazing things, I wish I could thank him again.”
— Kristen Morgan-Davie ’12
“A great memory I have of Jicks is playing music together every month at a nursing home nearby to Hamilton. There, Jicks was happy, and he was making other people happy. That’s who he was. I hope that anyone remembering Jicks in the future can decide to do something that day that makes them happy and makes other people happy too, in his spirit.”
— Kate Berlent ’08
“Josh was always so happy that he gave off an energy that made people around him happy too. he was selfless and so giving of his time and his personal wisdom. he was a great listener. He was truly a universal human being that was so bright and brimming with promise. My heart went heavy when I heard that he had passed. He was so kind to all people.” —Professor of Music Michael “Doc” Woods
“I met Jicks the summer after my freshman year.We would sit outside of the Keehn fac apt, where he lived, cooking steak and playing music. I’ll never forget those summer evenings, Jicks’ generosity and his amazing talent—not just for stringing notes together, but also for making everyone and anyone feel welcome in his company.”
—Manique Talaia-Murray ’12
“I will miss ‘Jicks.’ His passing is a huge loss. The loss, however, is not so much mine or even ours, but rather a loss of immeasurable magnitude to the countless others who will never have the good fortune of making his acquaintance and having their lives enriched by the experience. Jicks’ life was plagued by physical torments and there were many occasions when he would be too weak to speak, but no matter how rough things would get he always remained cheerful and mustered the strength to smile. For Jicks, each and every day was precious, and each and every day was a gift to be celebrated. To us, Jicks was precious, and his untimely death is an event that we woefully mourn. Yet and still, let us all take solace in our timeless memories of his selfless heart and his heartwarming smile.”
—Professor of Philosophy A. Todd Franklin
“Josh took my beginning swimming course—he was so much fun to have in class. His bright smile and wonderfully positive approach to life are two things I will remember fondly about him.”
— Head Coach of Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving T.J. Davis
“The very first thing that comes to mind when I think of Jicks is that incredibly big smile (any of you who ever met him can probably picture this image in your heads), a smile that was such a genuine reflection of the loving and kind person he was.”
—Associate Professor of Economics Stephen Wu
“I was devastated by the news of Josh's death. He was one of the nicest and most interesting people I ever met. I was planning to invite him back to Hamilton next fall to talk to my class on Film and the Classics, and I deeply regret that I will not be able to do so. I shall miss him dearly.”
—Winslow Professor of Classics Carl Rubino
“When I visited Hamilton, I went to see Rob Kolb and asked if he could put me in touch with a choir member and a cappella singer so I could scope out the musical possibilities here. He gave me Jicks’ room number (a land line! in 2008!) and we met up in the library to talk about Hamilton. I tried to act like the tough guy high school senior I saw myself as, but Jicks saw right through it. He told me all about the choir, open mic nights and even told me with an exaggerated wink that I should learn to play ‘Wagon Wheel’ before I went on adirondack adventure. When I did get to campus the next fall, the first face I saw was Jicks riding up on his bike shouting ‘You’re back! Welcome home!’ The Hill has definitely been a home to me, but I owe a huge thank you to Joshua Hicks for making it home from the start.”
—-Michael Manwaring ’12
“This verse reminds me of Jicks—his faith and hope were inspiring, and evident in all that he did! ‘We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.’ 1 Thessalonians 1:3.”
I did not have a good high school choir experience. And so I was reluctant to audition for the college choir when I arrived at Hamilton. Still, my dad convinced me to sign up for an audition over a call home during orientation. At my audition I met Joshua Hicks. He befriended me in that first moment and gave me more than he ever could have known—a sense of belonging on campus and in a choir I was not even sure I had made yet. What choice might I had made if I had not met Jicks that day? I am eternally grateful I'll never know. Over the next two years, we shared wonderful times together and many of my college firsts—my first visit to the music library, my first McEwen breakfast, my first barn concert, my first choir party, my first choir tour, my first Buffer Party, my first Buffer Cotillion. When he found out I loved girl group oldies he learned some on the guitar. And then he asked me to join him at one of his Cafe Opus shows. I remain touched by that invitation years later—his celebration of my voice. Our renditions of Be My Baby and One Fine Day will always warm my heart. And when I told him I wanted to start an a cappella group he listened to me, believed in me, and encouraged me to reach out to my classmates. And when I did, I found choir classmates and friends who shared similar aspirations. And when we formed Duelly Noted, Jicks was among our greatest fans. Thank you for your friendship and love, Jicks. My Hamilton and world are a better place because I shared them with you. Rest in peace."
—Alison McLaughlin ’11
“You know, I didn't know his name until his junior year at Hamilton, but for all of his 4 years at Hamilton, whenever he saw me on campus, he'd smile and say 'hi'. Finally, after two years of seeing him on campus, having him greet me and ask ‘how ya doin'?’ whenever he saw me, we were finally introduced. But I still remember him as that sunny and sweet kid whose name I didn't know who said 'hi' to me like we were old buddies. What a generous spirit he was.”
—Sidney Wertimer Professor of Philosophy Marianne Janack
“Jicks was a truly remarkable bright spirit on campus, with the soul of a musician and a song to sing. He was always putting on his own shows in Opus right after my rehearsals, and he acquired a regular following of friends and fellow students who were drawn to his serene, fun-loving personality and how he expressed himself through music. He had an ear and a natural musicality, as well as an incredibly easy-going and disarming manner which drew people to him. Everyone knew Jicks. He was one of those people you always saw smiling. It is so incredibly sad that he’s gone from this earth so soon. But in his time at Hamilton he most definitely left his mark on the College, as well as in all of our hearts.”
—Associate Professor of Music Heather R. Buchman
I first met Jicks when I was working late in my office one night and he called me in order to return the cell phone that I had accidentally dropped earlier in the day. I was impressed that he had taken the time to do this random act of kindness for me. In my subsequent interactions with him, several things made an impression on me: his deep Christian faith, his relationship with his brother Geoff, and his unflagging good cheer. He will be missed.
—Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera
"Jix was one of the first people who reached out to me when I got to Hamilton. He was the president of the choir, and went out of his way to make sure all the freshmen felt welcomed and included. Like a lot of new students, I really struggled during my first couple months at Hamilton. Especially in choir, which is a big social group where all of the upper-classmen already know each other, I felt like I didn't have anyone to talk to. Despite the fact that, because of this, I probably came across as unfriendly, Jix would consistently come up to me in McEwen, say hi, give me a hug, pester me to come to choir parties. It seems inconsequential now, but knowing Jix during my start at Hamilton was one of the few things that made me feel like I would be okay here. As the year progressed, I got to get to hang out with Jix a lot more. During spring break, before we left for choir tour, the choir was on campus for a couple days rehearsing after everyone had already left. Since all the dining halls were closed, Jix invited me and some other stragglers to make breakfast together in his suite. He made me feel, more than anyone that year, like I was a full member of the choir (not just as a singing group, but as a social group). Running around Italy with the choir that spring break was amazing. Jix was a huge part of what made it so wonderful. He was always making music, no matter where he was--whether he was singing, playing the harmonica or the ukulele, or snapping his fingers behind someone else's singing. I'll always love the memory of Jix trying to teach me how to develop perfect pitch, which he had. Even though this was incredibly silly and ultimately fruitless, since perfect pitch is not something you can just pick up, Jix was a dutiful and invested teacher. Over the next couple years, although I only saw Jix once after he graduated, I would receive the occasional text message of song lyrics or some fragmented memory we had together. As more memories of Jix resurface, I'm finding myself unable to wrap this up, and feeling so deeply saddened by his sudden death. I'll end by saying that, Jixxy, you were LOVE personified. You made a huge difference in my life. I'll miss you terribly, and will always remember you with love and music."
--Haley Riemer-Peltz