by Carolina Geiger '14
Not many people can claim to have been referred to as “the agent of the devil.” Hearing “an agent of society stimulating a state of erotic frenzy” is pretty rare too, but Jay Friedman, who gave a lecture called “The J-Spot” as a part of Womyn’s Energy Week on Monday night, has been called both by detractors. Friedman, who runs a sex education program at Cornell University, spoke about sex, relationships and college. His “J-Spot” lecture is grounded in the belief that everyone has a natural desire to enjoy sex.
No topic was off limits during Friedman’s lecture. According to Friedman, there are three “A”s that must be met in sex: The first “A” is “affirm” mutual consent. Then, “accept” the ability to be take responsibility in the forms of birth control and condoms and obtain consent. The third “A” is “assure” the guarantee of mutual pleasure. Friedman explained pressure on men to “score,” debunked the myth that men can explode from “blue balls” and explained the gender differences during sex. After explaining that unlike men, women can have multiple orgasms during sex, Friedman joked, “I think Freud got it wrong. Have you heard of penis envy? Why be envious of penises if you can have multiple orgasms?”
Although the lecture was informative, Friedman clearly stated at the beginning that the most important message is, “sex is good.”