Name: Mac Weiss
Year: 2002
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150
Quotes: "If you don't love the pain, you don't deserve to compete."

	    "Anyone know where the weight room is?"
	    "Once we finish we'll be so much better."
Other info: 	    

In an attempt to convince those who think I am a natural runner that hardwork is the reason for my successes, I offer this information. I could not run a six minute mile in 6th grade. I chose the 100m because I hated distance running so much. In fact, the only reason I chose to run was to train for soccer and basketball. After much work, I decided I liked running more than any other sport. I also became very obsessed. I felt if I did not run, I was missing out on chances to become the fittest person in the world. That was what drove me to join XC in college.