46 Peak Weekend 2000
This years 46 Peak Weekend will be held on October 14th. There will be an informational meeting about the Outing Club in general as well as 46 Peak info on Monday September 11th at 7 p.m. in the Events Barn . There will be a mandatory 46 Peak meeting on Thursday October 5th down at HOC from 7-9pm
46 Peak Weekend is the Outing Clubs biggest event.
Each year the goal is to send someone form the Hamilton Community up all of the
Adirondacks 46 High Peaks. There are trips for all ability levels, from an easy day
hike, to a bush whacking your way up a trail-less peak. Last year, we got about 38
Peaks, and next year we hope to get all 46! Information will go out early next fall
about exact dates and details. The trip is open to the whole Hamilton community, so
come on down and find out more about 46 Peak Weekend.