Christian Fellowship Events

"But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another" ~1 John 1:7

Here are a number of events that the Christian Fellowship participates in each year.

Operation Christmas Child: Each fall we put together shoeboxes full of gifts for children around the world who would otherwise not receive Christmas presents. This culminates in a wrapping party in which we invite the whole campus to join us in this Christmas activity. For more information about this program please visit the OCC webpage

The Journey: Each October we go on a weekend retreat to Lake Saranac in the Adirondack Mountains sponsored by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, along with other chapters from eastern New York and Vermont. This retreat is open to all students.


Basileia: A week long summer retreat held at Lake Saranac after final exams. A great way to begin the summer and meet other Christian students from all over New York and New Jersey. This retreat is open to all students.

Leaders Days: At the end of each Christmas break, Leaders Days provides an opportunity for present and future leaders to learn and to make plans for the upcoming semester. This retreat is held at Camp Pinnacle outside of Albany

Urbana: A once in a college lifetime opportunity, Urbana is a national missions confrence held once every 3 years in Urbana, Illinios. Six of us from the Hamilton Christian Fellowship drove more than 1,000 to Urbana '03 and had an amazing experience. For more information visit the Urbana website.

Laundry Day: As part of our witness to the campus we periodically set up laundry stations and offer to do people's laundry for them free of charge.